HU RO EN free program for invoices

Our partners from Gsystems launched their new, innovative software for invoices.

Partnership between Restart Drink Romania and Asti Advertising

  The marketing of a new product is a challenge for any (marketing)consultant company.  Restart Drink Romania (located in Gyergyócsomafalva, Harghita County)  introduced the special drink, with hangover fighting effect to the Romanian market.  
   In its effort the company was helped by the Asti Advertising marketing consultant firm.
   Without specific support as multinational brands have (national campaigns with huge budgets) Restart Drink began with small steps. Advertising Asti, from the position of marketing consultant for the young brand in Romania, contributed greatly to this effort in the first phase locally, then at country level. Offsetting the huge budgets of (direct or indirect) competitors  marketing consulting firm Asti Advertising, sought the most effective, low-cost methods, often resorting to interactive, guerrilla tactics.

Asti Advertising reaches 5 years

   5 years. For some mean much, for others it is banal. For us the last five years have been years with a series of intense challenges. Our company launched in the short period of economic boom, has seen an intense period of development, supported by enthusiastic founders. Along the way we met the profound economic changes that marked dramatically the lives of thousands of companies. Changes, which were foreshadowed by the renowned Alvin Toffler, still forced us to reinvent our business.

innovative thinking, through flexibility, which often involved enormous sacrifices, we managed to stay on the market. After the first phase we focused on business to business marketing, we gradually expanded to FMCG marketing and sales systems, and gradually  started working with the public sphere. First, we took important steps in human resource development projects.. After market research, marketing consultancy, development and implementation strategies, advertising campaigns, gradually changed to professional trainings for adults.

Training projects "Incofop" and "Competent Women"

Our company took part in conducting the professional training included in the the two projects led by CRFPA Dolj and AJOFM Harghita. Specific tasks in the project was to prepare and conduct training courses for adults: "shop salesman",  theoretical and practical training.
The first course, (the project INCOFOP) was held in Simonesti, Hargita County at the end of 2011, a course of three months. Participants were unemployed in the locality.
A similar course was organized in Miercurea- Ciuc (under the project  "Competent Women"), during April-June 2012

Beerstorming2.0 New online marketing projects

Our company in partnership with our strategic allies Mini-Web and GSystems developed a few new online marketing projects.One of them targets the online business to business world and others are affiliate site for consumer goods commerce. Here you have some of them:    

Industrial Marketing

Panasonic digital camera 

E-book Industrial Marketing

Online industrial marketing

Online marketing

   The online marketing is the 21st centuries most dynamic business field. The Asti Advertising company, with a long term presence on the marketing and management consultancy market, is been developing continuously it’s range of services. Starting with strong focus on (industrial) marketing consultancy, step by step we included in our offer the followings: human resource consultancy, marketing analysis, market researches, marketing strategy, education and training.

    The last years’ market and economical changes showed us the new direction to develop our company. Yes, normally it’s about online marketing. In the first period we only tried to promote online our company’s services. That’s  why we started this website too. It’s almost four years since then. The next step was to promote our partners’ business in online world. We began with very basics: SEO, cross links, blogs than the „more elevated stuffs” :).

Telework - Homeworking

Marketing blog

   After years of economical and marketing studies – work – consultancy – teaching – learning we feel that we reached a new level. We entered a new world. A new, interesting, fastly developping world, the world of blogs. More precisely, we started a blog about marketing and human resources. Being in a delicat situation, living in a community using two languages: hungarian and romanian, we started our blog in these two. Maybe, somewhere in the future we’ll have an english version too.
So, if you are interested in marketing or human resource problems (local markets, consumer habits, industrial marketing, place marketing) from Szeklerland, Trasylvania, Romania do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll try to offer you the information you need by: blog, studies, research, consultancy, e-mail.

New services

New services provided by Asti Advertising  - Human resource consultancy

   The developping of Romanian companies and organizations in the last few years provided changes in the life of consultants too. As many of out partners know our firm, Asti Advertising began his activity offering consultancy in marketing and advertising mostly for companies involved in business to busines. As our customers developed, and antreprenorial culture developed too, most of our customers grew up their demands, especially those regarding quality and new services, the more and more elevated. For example, some of our customers, to whom we managed some simple advertising campaigns in the beginig, started to demand complexe market researches for industrial and consumer markets, marketing plans, strategies, online marketing etc.


O experienţă nouă în marketingul (industrial) online. Noile tendinţe pe pieţele de larg consum, dar şi cele de tip business to business ne oferă produse fizice şi servicii cât de cât palpabile prin medii online. Acum am avut o experienţă inedită, mai precis vânzarea personală a unui serviciu online. Partenerii noştrii de la G Systems au dezvoltat o platformă online de urmărire şi control al producţiei, accesibilă prin internet din orice loc, care nu necesită prezenţa managerilor în fabrică, pentru a fi la curs cu ce se întâmplă în producţie.  La prima analiză ni se părea logic, ca fiind un produs (serviciu) online să fie promovat, valorificat tot online. Dar la o analiză mai profundă, am realizat şi am căzut de comun acord, că o campanie de promovare - comercializare numai online, n-are nici o şansă.

Ideea de bază este acum, că este nevoie de vânzare personală intensivă, focusată pe o nişă bine definită. Vânzare care poate fi susţinută de elemente online.

...mai departe